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The President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, presented prof. Jarosław Krzywański with the title of full professor. The ceremony took place on April 25, 2024 at the Presidential Palace in Warsaw.  Prof. Krzywański is an academic of the Faculty of Science & Technology of Jan Dlugosz University. He is the head of the Department of Advanced Computational Methods.

During the Ceremony

The most important scientific achievements of Professor Jarosław Krzywański include conducting a number of studies, including model studies and implementation of modeling techniques, especially artificial intelligence methods in the field of fluidized combustion, fuel conversion in a chemical loop, and adsorption cooling and desalination systems. 

From the beginning of its scientific activity, its main stream has been continuously related to the issue of reducing emissions of harmful components of exhaust gases into the atmosphere, including NOx, SO2, CO and CO2 from anthropogenic sources, mainly from the energy sector. 

Initially, as part of his doctoral dissertation, and then also his habilitation thesis, Professor conducted research related to the issues of emissions of gaseous pollutants, including sulphur and nitrogen oxides from the combustion of solid fuels in boilers with a circulating fluidized bed. These studies concerned various configurations of boiler systems, as well as multiple operating conditions, in particular biomass co-firing with coal and oxy-fuel combustion. Therefore, the area of interest also included the concept of using the circulating fluidized bed to implement aerobic combustion as a pro-CCS (carbon capture and storage) technology, conducive to a radical reduction of the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere from power boilers, while reducing SO2 and NOx emissions, and then new processes and technological solutions, considered as methods of advanced aerobic combustion, based on the concept of the so-called chemical loop CLC (CLC) (chemical looping combustion) and CLOU (chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling), concerning the conversion of fuels with a significant reduction in emissions to the atmosphere. 

Modelling studies also covered processes with significant application potential, i.e. combustion in an oxide loop, using solid oxygen carriers, but also reforming processes, focused on the production of H2 from solid fuels, and technology based on the concept of CaL (calcium looping), using CO2 carriers. 

The research area also concerns the use of the increasing amount of excess, low-temperature waste heat in adsorption refrigeration systems. 

These devices are becoming more and more popular as they have a simple design and no negative impact on the environment, while at the same time allowing the production of cold and desalination of water using renewable energy sources (e.g. solar energy) or waste heat, with limited electricity demand.

Professor Jarosław Krzywański is a member of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, the Combustion Institute, the International Adsorption Society, the Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.

For several years, Professor Jarosław Krzywański has been listed among the prestigious TOP 2% of the most cited scientists in the world, published annually by Stanford University.

Date added: 21 May 2024