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Students of Safety Engineering and  Forensics & security systems from the Scientific Club of "Criminology, Investigative Studies and Security Systems" under the supervision of mgr Adrian Wasik, dr Jacek Copik and mgr Grażyna Dudek, organise the "Road Safety and Prevention Day" on May 22, 2024 from 9.00 am to 1.30 pm The event is part of the educational project "Practical meetings with forensics and security systems".

During the event the area directly in front of the building of the Faculty of Law and Economics at Zbierskiego 2/4 wii be used, where in a separate place in the parking lot, the following stands will be presented:

- Simulator of road traffic events – car rollover simulator and crash simulator

- Road Traffic Department of the Municipal Police Headquarters in Częstochowa including the presentation of company motorcycles, a marked police car, a specialised police car with the equipment for handling road accidents

- Municipal Police in Częstochowa, including the presentation of a company vehicle with the equipment used to control compliance with traffic regulations.

In the WNSPT building, in room A-202, there will be mobile points for conducting the theoretical driving test and checking the driver's reaction time.

The participants will have a chance to take advantage of the above-mentioned initiatives, which will allow them to understand the essence and effects of road incidents in safe, controlled conditions; moreover, as part of prevention, they will gain the knowledge on how to avoid and counteract this type of incident. They will be able to test their knowledge of traffic regulations as part of a mobile station for conducting a theoretical driving test, as well as check their reaction time to external stimuli as potential drivers. In addition, they will learn about the company vehicles used by traffic police officers to control road safety, but also learn in practice the principles of handling road incidents with the use of a specialised police car with the equipment used for forensic examination of the scene of the accident where the road accident occurred.

The event will take place in the area directly in front of the building of the Faculty of Law and Economics of JDU at Zbierskiego 2/4, from 9.00 am to 1.30 pm.

Date added: 21 May 2024